
中国故事 95 The White Snake 白蛇传 4 | 传播传统文化(音频版):江都市请符咒

admin    2022-12-21    134

95. The White Snake

白蛇传 4


Abbot Fahai seemed stunned by my sister’s threats. Then he became so angry that his bald head turned as red as his robes. He threw himself at us, metal staff raised. My sister spun in a circle, like a snake uncoiling.

She moved in front of me to block Abbot Fahai.

“Aha!” yelled Abbot Fahai. “The women show their true natures! Snake demons!” He twirled his Buddhist staff and hit it on the bowl. Then he jabbed it at Xiao Qing. She twisted away.

I pulled a golden hairpin from my long hair. I waved it through the air, pulling the wind and water to the temple. The lake rose, flooding the steps of Jinshan Temple. There was a deafening clapping sound. An army of crab soldiers advanced, heading for Abbot Fahai!

The monk threw his outer robe on the roof of the temple. The magical robe made the temple float safely on the rising water. The crab soldiers slipped back into the water. It was over, and we had lost. Xiao Qing and I ran to the Broken Bridge.

I started to cry. Xu Xian would never return to me now! He wanted a regular wife. A regular wife makes crab dumplings. A regular wife doesn’t attack a temple with crab soldiers! But all I wanted was to love and be loved.

I looked up to see Xu Xian running across the bridge.


“You’ve got some nerve,” called Xiao Qing. “You’re not hiding an angry, red-faced monk somewhere, are you?”

He reached us and knelt before us. “I’m sorry.”

“You know who I am,” I answered. “I was made a snake demon. But am I only what I was made to be? I am a good woman, a good wife, a good maker of medicines. And I will be a good mother to our child, with or without you.”

“Please forgive me,” he cried. “I was wrong. I love who you are.” He took my and Xiao Qing’s hands. We walked around the banks of the lake. By the time we reached our home, we had forgiven Xu Xian.

The three of us soon became the four of us. I gave birth to a baby boy! I thought he might have a tail, but he was entirely human. We had a party one month after our baby was born. I was resting in the bedroom during the party when I heard Abbot Fahai at our front door.

“She is a snake demon!” hissed Abbot Fahai. “They are no good! They will kill you!”

“Leave us alone,” said my husband. “I know my wife, and I love her as she is.” I heard them struggling, then the door to the bedroom burst open.

Abbot Fahai held a Buddhist bowl in the air above his head. There was a force coming from the bowl that drew me to it. I was pulled closer and closer.

“Xiao Qing!” I called, “Strengthen your magic and return to fight him!

Free me!” Then I was pulled into the bowl and trapped.

Abbot Fahai buried the bowl with me in it underneath Leifeng Pagoda. I pounded and kicked at the bowl, tried magic spells, but nothing worked.

Xiao Qing studied magic and martial arts for 18 years, then returned to fight Abbot Fahai at the pagoda. From inside the bowl, I heard yelling, crashes, and fighting. At last I heard Xiao Qing’s triumphant cry. I

learned later that Abbot Fahai hid behind a crab’s shell for the rest of his life.

At last, there was a deafening crash. Xiao Qing had used her sword and magic to knock over Leifeng Pagoda! I ran out of the bowl. I was free! My sister and I returned to our home with Xu Xian and our son. At last we could become a good, regular family. And we did!

The End

Question: How could someone who was made to be bad, become good?


block v. 阻止;阻塞;限制

jab v. 猛击; 猛刺; 猛碰

spell n. 符咒江都市请符咒,咒语

martial adj. 军事的; 战争的; 尚武的江都市请符咒,好战的

triumphant adj. 得意洋洋的; 欢欣鼓舞的

A regular wife doesn’t attack a temple with crab soldiers! 一个普


























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