
名家| 杨洪琦与他笔下的“盘锦风物”:盘锦市做法事

网上道教符咒法事法术    2023-01-06    167


杨洪琦,1958年出生于盘锦,从事文博工作40年,为全国文化系统先进工作者、盘锦市“五一” 劳动奖章获得者,现为辽河口文化研究会会长盘锦市做法事。2018年被盘锦市委、市政府评为“传播盘锦故事好市民”,2019年被盘锦市委、市政府聘请为第二届决策咨询委员会委员,2021年获评辽宁省最佳写书人、被聘请为辽宁省地名管理咨询论证专家,2022年入选“盘锦英才计划”盘锦文化名家。为盘锦市2009年第三次全国文物普查、2013年第一次全国可移动文物普查负责人。编纂出版 《盘锦市文物志》《辽宁地域文化通览·盘锦卷》《盘锦市地名志》《辽河口老物件》,参与《中国文物考古辞典》《中国文物地图集·辽宁卷》中盘锦及营口部分的编写工作。

杨洪琦是盘锦地面众口交誉的 “盘锦通”盘锦市做法事。他不仅是一个挖掘历史的 人,还是一个书写历史的人;他不仅能精彩讲述盘锦故事,还深谙如何将历史化为现实的价值与财富。杨洪琦笔下的盘锦风物,自带色彩、声音、味道、灵性,读之亲切、思之隽永, 不经意间,阅读者心头便泛起一缕挥之不去的岁月乡愁。

著《盘锦市文物志》 杨洪琦为故乡光阴定调


能够写文物志者,均为资深文史专家,如考古所正研究员、博物馆馆长、地方文管所所长等,《盘锦市文物志》主笔杨洪琦先生时任盘锦市文化管理办公室主任,退休前是盘锦市文博口的“台柱子”盘锦市做法事。盘锦是辽宁14 市中唯一没有历史类博物馆的地级市,作为这种缺憾的补偿,杨洪琦与杨春风合作出版了三本盘锦历史书:《辽宁省地域文化通览·盘锦卷》《盘锦市文物志》《盘锦市地名志》,其中最重要的就是《盘锦市文物志》。




杨洪琦著《辽河口老物件》书封 张松 摄



需要补充的是,辽宁不少地级市尚无“文物志”,有的地区“文物志” 还是请外地人做主编,地方学者配合的盘锦市做法事。杨洪琦作为盘锦人写本土历史, 而且还是不被外界关注的冷僻历史, 在辽宁考古文博界难得一见。


盘锦是一座因油而生的新兴城市, 这里河海交集、潮来潮往,向海发展, 不易怀旧盘锦市做法事。可在杨洪琦先生的笔下,今年建市才38年分外年轻的盘锦,跟同省那些基本岁寿过千年的兄弟城市比, 竟然也从新石器时代走来,走过了商周、战汉,壮大于大辽、金元,绽放于明清,那么多的遗迹、遗址、关堡、边墙、墓葬、窑藏……显然也证明了这一历程。



所有的考古、怀古者,内心真实的定调,其实都不在过去,而在今天盘锦市做法事。离群索居是为保持烛照现实的清醒,梳理光阴是为理顺破局的路径, 可如何古为今用,实践由历史而现世的华丽转身,却令学者们进退两难, 不免忧从中来,而同样身处局中的杨洪琦则跨出了这艰难一步。

在退休后的日子里盘锦市做法事,杨洪琦倾情关注与身体力行的,是清一色的文化传播、市场开发、产业经营、价值包装,他的历史是“活”的,他用历史为现实定价,与他接触的人未必读过《盘锦市文物志》,却发自肺腑地明白 一个道理:历史是方向,历史是财 富,历史真有用!

对普通群众而言,大概没有几人会认真阅读郭大顺的红山之作、田立 坤的三燕之作、冯永谦的辽代之作、 肖景全的清代之作,或无兴趣或看不懂,可当杨洪琦将这些古奥艰涩的历 史化为漫天飞舞的丹顶鹤、化为金浪映辉的稻香村、化为端上桌来色香味 俱全的诱人美食、化为牵带脉脉乡愁的辽河古渡老物件……那一刻,红山三燕辽金明清会瞬间于物化的具象中 生动复活,即便活在当下的人群也会分秒醍醐灌顶,深刻领悟到:历史是传承,历史乃情感,历史含希望,历史蕴“诗与远方”盘锦市做法事


《辽河口老物件》 流溢动人乡愁的岁月记忆

近些年,收集、整理老物件的人越来越多了盘锦市做法事。老物件不同于摆在博物馆里的文物,虽对外称“老”物件, 可再老也就一百来年,拴得住记忆, 黏得牢情思,是我们暂短人生看得见、摸得着,又依稀远逝、牵牵连连的怀旧载体。


以此言之,杨洪琦于2020年出版的 《辽河口老物件》 的作品体裁,更接近一部“个人传记”,他借老物件写自己的一生,起笔多以对亲朋的回忆开篇,娓娓道来,从容叙述,抒怀属于他自己及那个时代群体的人生体悟与情感世界盘锦市做法事

《辽河口老物件》 分“上篇·炕上炕下”“中篇·屋里屋外”“下篇· 渔来渔往”盘锦市做法事。他以考古学家的独到眼光长期收集并精准描述那些烙刻在我们记忆中的老物件,可行文笔调却流溢着淡然悠远又含有一丝岁月忧伤的抒情,以及那耐人寻味的对社会历史的理性观望与评判,尤其是收尾一笔, 更是画龙点睛满怀哲思。





在辽宁考古学界,王绵厚与冯永谦会写诗,孙守道爱好文学,郭大顺叙事流畅,梁志龙文笔不错……可他们都未写过自己的传记,不仅他们,连翦伯赞、苏秉琦、夏鼐这些考古界泰斗亦无传记,原因很简单:一出手、一开口,便是千百年的光阴,时间的压力太大了!而杨洪琦则另辟蹊径,他讲述了故乡盘锦 100 来年的岁月,这个时段,他听到过、经历过,他笔下的那些辽河口老物件就是这听过的、经历过的岁月印证,这为同样渴求怀旧又心怀忐忑的其他考古学者们,提供了一个全新的思考方式,不得不承认:思路引领未来盘锦市做法事。“雁过留声,人过留名”,杨洪琦把生命的记忆献给脚下的乡土,这是对匆匆生命最庄重、最华丽的献奉与祭奠。

盘锦荣兴博物馆的展陈均由杨洪琦设计盘锦市做法事,图为博物馆内景 景雪峰 摄

实至名归 被公认为“盘锦文化代言人”

为使盘锦文化后继有人,杨洪琦在有关领导的支持、鼓励下,开始注意培养新人,以便为盘锦地域文化的发展提供必要的后续力量盘锦市做法事。多年来, 杨洪琦不断将有志于此的青年陆续纳入辽河口文化研究会,使他们在弘扬盘锦的地域文化领域,实现抱负、各展所长。

今年底前,若一切顺利,沈阳文博界将以冯永谦先生“米寿”(88岁) 为主题,召开一个老学者们(也含一些中青年学者) 的交流会、恳谈会, 这是第一次也是最后一次举行,要求到会者每人出一篇论文,然后结集出版,以资纪念,以考古学家特有的方式,纪念对东北家乡的光阴礼赞,纪念辽宁考古人共同的岁月奋争盘锦市做法事。在老一辈学者的邀请名单中,年纪最长者是年过九旬的辽阳邹宝库,年纪最轻者是盘锦的杨洪琦,为盘锦立传的杨洪琦。

此次交流会若能如期举办,届时杨洪琦将欣然而至,他很想跟自己那些考古文史圈的老前辈、老朋友们讲讲盘锦“历史上的今天”,和那些白发苍苍的资深学者们一道探讨如何把历史的传承化为现实的动力,将先人的坚持化为今朝的信仰,在这一点上,他与迄今仍埋首古籍、述古不休的冯永谦们方向一致、三观相合盘锦市做法事。几十年来,杨洪琦一直在忙,为盘锦文化的腾飞而辛勤奔忙,他对故乡的一片深情,已被脚下这块生命之土深深印记。65岁的杨洪琦,是公认的“盘锦文化代言人”,他实至名归, 当之无愧!


杨洪琦在介绍荣兴博物馆盘锦市做法事,这座博物馆是他传承盘锦地域文化的精心之作 景雪峰 摄

Born in Panjin, Liaoning Province, 65- year- old Yang Hongqi has specialized in cultural heritage and museology for 40 years. Awarded as a national advanced worker by the Ministry of Culture, People’ s Republic of China, and a May Day Labor Medalist of Panjin City, he currently serves as the president of the Liaohekou Cultural Research Association. Yang was awarded“Good Citizen for Spreading Panjin Stories”by Panjin Municipal Party Committee in 2018, and in 2019, he was invited to be a member of the 2nd Decisionmaking Advisory Committee by the Panjin Municipal Party Committee and the Panjin Municipal Government. In 2021, he was honored as the best book writer in Liaoning Province. Yang participated in the second national census of cultural relics in Yingkou in 1982, and in 2009, he was in charge of the third national census of cultural relics in Panjin, as well as the first national census of movable cultural relics in 2013. He compiled and published A Record of the Cultural Relics in Panjin, An Overview of Liaoning Regional Culture: Panjin Volume, The Index of Places in Panjin, and Old Objects of Liaohekou. In addition, he was responsible for compiling the Panjin and Yingkou sections in The Archaeological Dictionary of Chinese Cultural Relics and The Atlas of Chinese Cultural Relics: Liaoning Volume.

Yang is respected as an authentic Panjin expert by the local people. He devotes himself to exploring and writing Panjin history. He not only tells fascinating Panjin stories but also turns history into value and wealth. His reviews of Panjin scenery convey unique colors, sounds, flavors and spirits, leaving readers with feelings of unforgettable intimacy and a wisp of nostalgia lingering in their hearts.

The Cultural Relics of Panjin: Setting the tone for moments in Panjin

Yang was the director of Panjin Cultural Management Office when he compiled The Cultural Relics of Panjin. He was also the“pillar”of cultural heritage and museology in Panjin before his retirement. As compensation for Panjin being the only prefecture- level city among the 14 cities in Liaoning not to have a history museum, Yang Hongqi co- published three books on Panjin’s history with Yang Chunfeng, including An Overview of Liaoning Regional Culture: Panjin Volume, The Index of Places in Panjin, and the most important of all, A Record of the Cultural Relics in Panjin.

After retiring, Yang devoted himself to cultural communication, market development, industrial operations and value packaging. The history under his writing is alive. Through his deep appreciation of history, he values the present. While the people having contact with him may not read The Record of Cultural Relics in Panjin, they viscerally know that history is directive, valuable and meaningful. He transformed ancient, mysterious and hard-to-understand history with dancing red-crowned cranes,ancient ferry which evoke the nostalgia of Panjin people...

Old Objects of Liaohekou: Overflowing with nostalgia

When staring at the cultural relics, we feel estranged and respectful, and we struggle to emote. However, in front of old objects, even a yellowed diary or faded album, the nostalgia of youth, family, love, longing...is instantly evoked. Comparing then and now, we lament the transient days of life, with tears trickling down our cheeks.

Yang’s Old Objects of Liaohekou (2020) is sort of a biography. Yang uses old objects to write about his life, and most of his writing starts with memories of relatives and friends. He narrates the story with ease, showing the life experiences and emotional world that belonged to him and his times.

Old Objects of Liaohekou consists of three parts:“On and Beneath the Kang,” “Inside and Outside the House,”and“Fishing Within and Beyond Liaohekou.” From the unique perspective of an archaeologist, he has spent a good deal of time collecting and accurately describing the old objects engraved in the collective memory of Chinese people. His writing style is full of leisureliness, a hint of melancholy about the fleeting times, as well as the intriguing rational observation and judgment of social history. His words are imbued with philosophical thoughts, especially at the end of the story.

For example, at the end of the article“Mud Brazier,”Yang writes:“Although the heat of the brazier is divergent, it has such a strong gathering function that makes family members come closer to each other, even when they are already in the same room... Intoday’s home, what other devices can further bring us together? More importantly, do we still want to get closer?”

In another example, Yang concludes in the article“Wula Shoes”with the following comment:“There is an old saying that‘the three treasures of the Northeast are ginseng, mink, and wula sedge.’These cherished medicinal materials and precious furs are called ‘treasures’on a par with a common weed, which seems unreasonable. However, they are widely accepted by people of the Northeast, especially those fellows who wear wula shoes. Some say that ginseng and mink are only available to the rich, whereas wula sedge can resist the cold for both the rich and the poor.”That is to say, the shoes made of wula sedge can keep people warm, whether they be rich or poor.

It is unprecedented for a senior archaeologist of the local to write history in a prose style.

“A man leaves his name behind wherever he stays, just as a goose utters its cry wherever it flies.”Yang has dedicated the memory of his life to his homeland, which can be seen as the most solemn and gorgeous ritual for a rushing life.

The richly deserved “spokesman of Panjin culture”

For decades, Yang has been enthusiastic about the promotion of Panjin culture. A deep love for his hometown has left its mark on Panjin. Indeed, the 65- year-old Yang, is generally acknowledged as the“spokesman of Panjin culture,”an accolade he richly deserves.


景雪峰 摄





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