
照见五蕴皆空 度一切苦厄|泰国佛牌鉴赏:佛牌

网上道教符咒法事法术    2022-10-21    156


Legend has it that in ancient times there was a Buddhist monk in Thailand who enshrined a Buddha statue in his home and recited sutras every morning and evening. One day, there was a major drought in Thailand. When the emperor learned of this, he sent a monk to the disaster area. Therefore, the monk went home and prepared to go to the disaster area.


Since he is a devout Buddhist, he hopes to bring the Buddha statue to the disaster area, so that he can pray for blessings in the morning and evening. At the same time, he hopes to bless the disaster area with the help of the Buddha statue, but unfortunately the Buddha statue is too big and cannot be taken with him.


That night, the eminent monk had a strange dream, dreaming that the Buddha statue told him to use the clay of the temple to make a plaque in the shape of the Buddha statue and wear it on his body, and go to the disaster area together, so that he could get his protection and make him safe and smooth. After waking up, make a card and wear it according to the instructions in the dream. After arriving in the disaster area, he still chanted scriptures and prayed for blessings every night, and soon, the situation in the disaster area improved.



The amulet is a kind of Buddhist amulet unique to Thailand. It belongs to the same category as the Tchacha Buddha in Tibet, China, but it is smaller in size. There are various materials for its production, such as Buddhist scriptures, bay leaf scriptures, pollen, medicinal herbs, temple incense ash, metals, ores, gemstones, etc.


It is generally considered to be a small, lightweight version of a famous Buddha statue, which is enshrined in temples to enhance the temple's mana. It is a memorial to Buddha. It is a preservation of beliefs and traditions. Used as a talisman, worn on the body to protect one's safety or strengthen one's faith. Because the Thai people believe that Buddha will bless those who sacrifice for others.


The most famous amulet: In history, Myanmar and Thailand have been at war again and again. Whenever a province or region is looted and the pagoda is destroyed, a large number of amulets will be found from the ruins of the pagoda. These amulets are extremely valuable and are often hundreds of years old. Most of these and their precious amulets come from the Ayutthaya period (Ayutthaya period), the Sukhothai period and the Lopburi period. Most are historical sites.


Amulet is a Buddha statue reduced into a pendant, which is convenient for people to carry day and night, and the carrier hopes to protect himself with this. With the passage of time, the amulet is no longer just a gift, but has gradually evolved into a tool for luck. The wearer hopes to use the amulet to improve marriage, positive fortune, health and so on. People believe that the power of amulets comes from the power of scriptures, from the power of mantras, and from the mind power of eminent monks.




History and its miraculous function. Around the year 2382 of the Buddhist calendar, a famous Buddhist temple in Thailand, Chula, translated into Chinese as Ancient Bell Buddha Temple, appeared a great monk named Ajahndo. He was the second-generation host of the Qulajin Buddhist Temple at that time, and his teacher, according to legend, was an Arahant Master Guo. He is the founder of the Varakang Buddhist Temple. He often shows supernatural powers and transforms all living beings. He is very respected by the local people for his spirit of saving people in distress.


One day when Master Ajahndo is meditating, he will definitely bring happiness and peace to mankind. I will give him to everyone. Anyone who wears it or worships it will have everything go well, build popular relationships, and make money and happiness inexhaustible; The master ordered the disciple to bow three times." The bowing was completed.


There are many common amulet making methods as follows:


1: Temple soil


2:incense ash


3:Petals, the more varieties of flowers, the better. Generally speaking, there are 108 kinds of amulets in imaginary numbers.


4: The powder of the monk's relic after grinding


5: Fragments of the cassock


6: Beeswax


7: Gems


8: Human Oil


9: Margin tree fruit


10: Fragments of Buddhist scriptures


11: Monk's Hair


12: Dharma Salt


13: Plants such as bay flower and bay juice

14: 圣神的天空落在庙宇流到接纳容器里的雨水

14: The sky of the Holy Spirit falls on the rain that flows into the temple and into the receiving container



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