
离婚了, 女方出轨, 跟客户搞上了:女方出轨怎么惩罚

网上道教符咒法事法术    2022-06-24    113

  女方出轨, 跟客户搞上了, 离了, 孩子归了她女方出轨怎么惩罚。 现在她找了一个情人,向她的情人透露了她的出轨行为,男人不要她了,现在她报复, 不让见孩子了。我该怎么办。

  前妻是一个外企销售,卖核电站用备用电池,做销售一年就把核工院客户睡服了女方出轨怎么惩罚。 若是没有孩子,随她去吧。 不想让孩子有这么一个妈,希望她洗心革面,重新做人,做份干净的工作,踏实生活。


  写了个邮件,打算揭露她的不道德行为,和向对方单位的纪检部门举报女方出轨怎么惩罚。 我这么做对吗? 如果是你,会怎么做?

  Dear Mr Z and Mr D

  i am the the ex-husband of your company employee M. I am writting to disclose the mis-conduct and immoral behavior of your employee.

  Because it not only got my family broken, hurted everyone in the family. It is also a serious violation to Code of business conduct and ethinics.

  In 2016, the second year after she take the job of nuclear market sales, she was found to have relation with a customer named G, utilized this immoral relation for her sales work. It caused my family broken. We got divorvced after struggling and she got the custody of our son.

  I got the scandal disclosed to her another valentine. and get revenge on my son's visitation right. I was not able to see my boy.

  You may see this is my family tragedy, and my intention to expose this seems not good for I am telling a ugly truth. But it originate from your employee's violation of code of business conduct and ethinics in the work, and the company get interest from it. I found a leader of the company has been utilizing this ugly relation to promote sales.

  With this misconduct uncovered, i believe, as leaders of a company that is respected and trusted, you won't encourage such wrong behavior in the business. She needs your help to get back to the right track of living and she needs a clean job.

  I would like to see morality and right value be respected in business and in the life, and the discipline department of the customer company will expect to see it.



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