

网上道教符咒法事法术    2022-10-21    120


Buddha is the representative of the "righteousness" between heaven and earth, and all the "treasures" engraved with "Buddha" Dharma or mantras represent the "great wisdom" Sakyamuni, the "unsurpassed right and omniscient" in the universe. Ni Buddha, with the help of Buddha's "compassion" and "wish power", resolves the "hatred" and "great grievance" in the world, and brings "brightness" and "happiness" to the wearer.

佩戴开光的佛牌,能帮助佛牌我们避开险境,那是因为佛,菩萨的愿力与佩戴者的"信念"产生共鸣的原故.当我们身上佩戴一尊或多尊佛牌与宝物时,若不幸遇到了突发的危险,我们的身体会发出人类遇险时的自然反应,如心跳加速,血液会变得冰冷,会突然发出惊叫的求救声等等,当以上这种情形发生时,我们身上所佩戴的法物,就会因佩戴者身上的突变而产生感应,这种"正 信"的感应将会传达到附近之"圣灵"或"菩萨","罗汉"们,在与"佛祖"的威猛灵力聚合,发出不可思议的力量,来解救众生之"苦难"与"危急".

Wearing consecrated amulets can help us avoid danger because the vows of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas resonate with the wearer's "faith". When we wear one or more amulets and treasures, if Unfortunately, in the event of a sudden danger, our body will send out the natural reactions of human beings in distress, such as rapid heartbeat, cold blood, and sudden screaming for help, etc. When the above situation occurs, we The magical objects worn on the body will be induced by the mutation on the wearer's body, and this "righteous belief" induction will be transmitted to the nearby "Holy Spirits" or "Bodhisattvas", "Arhats", and "Buddha". The mighty and powerful spiritual powers gather together and emit incredible power to rescue the "suffering" and "crisis" of all beings.



We have heard of believers who saved their lives by the induction of "Amulets" and "Magic Treasures", and they all said in unison; at a critical juncture, they saw a "white light" or "red light" flashing, and then the whole Because of this, people flew away, or were pushed out of danger by this strong light, thus escaping this doom, etc. The victims all agreed that this strong light from amulets or magic weapons, It is the representative of "Buddhism", that is, the "righteousness" between heaven and earth, which is specially used to deal with "monsters, ghosts" and "evil spirits".

那"佛牌"或"法宝"是无法化解这种"祸劫"的,因为佛法对世人是平等的,自己种下的"祸",需要由自己去"化解",去"修补",去"奉还",才可达到最圆满的"佛境", 也只有这样才会对世上的每一个"佛徒"公平,而"佛陀"才称得世上"无上正遍知"的大智慧佛牌。总的来说,信众们佩戴"佛牌"或"法物",在佛法上是会有一定的庇护功能,它能使在世上的"邪灵","不净灵"或各种"邪术","降头"不能加害于有"正 信"与"力"的"佩戴者,可若佩戴者本身自己"心怀不轨","忘恩负义","唯利是图","不信因果",那所受的业报应该由自已负责,毕竟"佛牌"与" 法宝"是不会帮世人做坏事的。

That "amulet" or "magic treasure" cannot resolve this kind of "calamity", because Buddhism is equal to the world, and the "calamity" that you have planted must be "resolved", "repaired", and removed by yourself. Only by "returning it" can one achieve the most complete "Buddha state", and only in this way can it be fair to every "Buddha" in the world, and "Buddha" can be called the great wisdom of "unsurpassed right and omniscient knowledge" in the world. Generally speaking, believers wearing "amulet" or "dharma objects" have a certain protection function in Buddhism, which can make "evil spirits", "unclean spirits" or various "evil spirits" in the world. Techniques" and "dropping the head" cannot harm the "wearer" who has "right faith" and "power", but if the wearer himself "has a bad heart", "ungrateful", "only for profit", "doesn't believe in cause and effect", then he will suffer You should be responsible for your own karma. After all, "amulet" and "magic treasure" will not help the world to do bad things.


In some large temples in Thailand, they will select auspicious days to invite some eminent monks to preside over the chanting and blessing ceremony. Generally, newly-made amulet or holy objects, etc., will be placed in the center of the treasure hall neatly and regularly, surrounded by white thick Thin hemp thread, when monks chanting and blessing, pass the mana into the holy objects of amulets through this thread, these processes are called spiritual blessings.

所以很多寺庙的加持法会都会邀请很多高僧一起诵经加持佛牌。由于每一位高僧修持的法门不同,而且文武俱备。文僧是专修人缘六和 ,贵人扶助,招财纳福。武僧专修辟邪降魔,去凶险,去除霉运等。各路高僧加持并施下自身修持的禅定法门灵力进入佛牌里,各具神通。自然令佛牌具有消灾解难,辟邪驱魔,逢凶化吉,起运转运,贵人扶助,人缘六合,谋事顺利等各种功效。

Therefore, many temple blessing pujas will invite many eminent monks to chanting and blessing together. Because each eminent monk practiced different methods and possessed both civil and military skills. Literary monks specialize in the Six Harmonies of Humanity, aided by nobles, and attract wealth and good fortune. Warrior monks specialize in warding off evil spirits, conquering evil spirits, and removing bad luck. Various eminent monks bless and cast their own meditation methods and spiritual power into the amulet, each with magical powers. Naturally, the amulet has various functions such as dispelling disasters and solving difficulties, warding off evil spirits and exorcising evil spirits, turning bad luck into good luck, starting fortune, helping nobles, connecting people with each other, and smooth planning.


This plah keang in gilt bronze, and the picture is rich in content. Every inch of the Buddha statue is vividly depicted. Detail representing Buddha.


This plah keang is cast, small and exquisite, with a length of 2.8cm and a width of 2.3cm. After being framed, it can be worn as a portable Buddha to protect the body and ward off evil spirits.


Wearing plah keang will have magical effects, such as warding off evil spirits, blocking dangers, helping people, helping fortune and so on. If you want to invite, you must believe in the Buddha with a sincere heart. However, the saying that plah keang have these functions has been passed down for a long time, and it must have a certain credibility, and the saying that because of wearing amulets and passing through accidents safely, is often heard, which makes it more credible.


The source of the magical effect of the plah keang can be said to mainly come from the power of scriptures. The plah keang must be consecrated by eminent monks before it has a magical effect, but the magical effect of the plah keang is only a help, such as popularity, wealth, and career. , It is not that wearing amulet will bring you a fortune and your career will flourish, because everything must be achieved through one's own efforts.



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